Cynde & The 3 Cool Border Collies - Kaffee, Myst, Beckett, Dylan
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Cyclone's Unlimited Possibilities CGC TKI

Dylan is the newest member of our Border Collie family. He was born Sept. 16, 2023.
Karen Herceg is the breeder so we traveled back east to bring him home.
The best way to follow him and my latest training (have learned so much from other BCs) such as how I have taught him scent articles from nosework..... visit his web pages. DYLAN
He has loved scent work and got his NACSW ORT in May 2024.
Karen Herceg is the breeder so we traveled back east to bring him home.
The best way to follow him and my latest training (have learned so much from other BCs) such as how I have taught him scent articles from nosework..... visit his web pages. DYLAN
He has loved scent work and got his NACSW ORT in May 2024.
Beckett -
HC Cedar Quantum Leap Beckett UDX2 OM4 BN GN GO RA HSBds HSDs HIBs HIDs HSAdMsM HIAdMsM HXAdMsM SWN SCA CGC TKA - DN47435301
Beckett started his obedience journey a few years ago and was side tracked during the COVID year when there were no shows. He returned to finish is CDX and then begin work on his Utility (UD) and UDX (10 joint qualifications in both Open and Utility on the same day.) He started in Preferred Utility at the Chino Valley show in October 202, qualified and won both of his classes. He then moved up to regular Utility B classes and has had a few spectacular shows.
BECKETT'S UD, UDX legs and first OTCH points. - Phoenix Field and Obedience Show - January 22 & 23.
I was waiting for the digital of the UD title on Saturday by the show photographer. Since it is taking so long I decided that perhaps these 2 pictures of our hike yesterday might be more interesting anyway so I can share our good weekend in obedience.
Beckett earned his UD on Saturday and the first leg of his UDX by qualifying in both Utility B and Open B. On Sunday he qualified in both Utility B and Open B earning another UDX leg and more OTCH points. Beckett had a run off for first place in Utility B on Sunday for first place. A wonderful weekend today between show local hikes.
SUPERSTITiON KENNEL CLUB SHOW indoor at AZ Fairgrounds.. MARCH 5 & 6, 2022
Obedience entries were high with 15-17 entries in Open and Utility. On Saturday, March 5th under judge Richard Wood Beckett was invited to do a run off for placements with 4 very talented dogs from California. He won the Open class with a score of 198 1/2 and also got his first HIGH IN TRIAL... 7 OTCH POINTS.
On Sunday he qualified in both Utility and Open and got 3rd place and 1 OTCH point for his Utility placement giving him 3 UDX legs. Beckett also got asked to do run-off heeling in 3 of his classes. This was a very educational INDOOR show for both Beckett and myself who have done few indoor shows. So many people coming and going, so much noise, and difficulty hearing judges. We learned so much and I am so happy with this very special boy who tries so hard to work with me and do what is asked often despite challenging ring and environmental pressures.
Beckett now (March 2022) has 3 UDX legs; 13 OTCH points and OM points.
BECKETT'S UD, UDX legs and first OTCH points. - Phoenix Field and Obedience Show - January 22 & 23.
I was waiting for the digital of the UD title on Saturday by the show photographer. Since it is taking so long I decided that perhaps these 2 pictures of our hike yesterday might be more interesting anyway so I can share our good weekend in obedience.
Beckett earned his UD on Saturday and the first leg of his UDX by qualifying in both Utility B and Open B. On Sunday he qualified in both Utility B and Open B earning another UDX leg and more OTCH points. Beckett had a run off for first place in Utility B on Sunday for first place. A wonderful weekend today between show local hikes.
SUPERSTITiON KENNEL CLUB SHOW indoor at AZ Fairgrounds.. MARCH 5 & 6, 2022
Obedience entries were high with 15-17 entries in Open and Utility. On Saturday, March 5th under judge Richard Wood Beckett was invited to do a run off for placements with 4 very talented dogs from California. He won the Open class with a score of 198 1/2 and also got his first HIGH IN TRIAL... 7 OTCH POINTS.
On Sunday he qualified in both Utility and Open and got 3rd place and 1 OTCH point for his Utility placement giving him 3 UDX legs. Beckett also got asked to do run-off heeling in 3 of his classes. This was a very educational INDOOR show for both Beckett and myself who have done few indoor shows. So many people coming and going, so much noise, and difficulty hearing judges. We learned so much and I am so happy with this very special boy who tries so hard to work with me and do what is asked often despite challenging ring and environmental pressures.
Beckett now (March 2022) has 3 UDX legs; 13 OTCH points and OM points.
Herding UPDATE - MAY 27, 2023

HerdingTrial: Australian Shepherd of AZ - May 23, 24, 25
Judges: Cheryl Padgett, David Clayton, Kathy Males
We had a wonderful 3 days at the ASCA herding trial in Duey,AZ. Tuesday was the very fun Post Advanced course which is for dogs that have been certified or have qualified for the Advanced Trial Dog title. In this trial the dogs are asked to work efficiently at any distance from the handler in an area up to 6 acres. Beckett has just started working in the big field and learning how to drive the sheep through distant panels after a long outrun. He had so much fun and ended up with a score of 120 out of possible 125 under judge David Clayton. This gave him HIT for OB and first place. His second run was also quite nice again getting a lovely score of 114 under Cheryl Padgett for another HIT OB.
Wednesday and Thursday were the farm dog trials with both sheep and geese which provides a venue for the dog to display skills as an all around stock dog. Again, the dogs love these fun “real work” trials and all do extremely well. Beckett won his Advanced Geese both days giving him HIT OB both days. On Thursday he got 2nd place in farm dog sheep.
Thank you to his handler and trainer Dawna Sims who helped him especially learn the skills for the advanced course and the opportunity to fun big in the field. Beckett loved all 3 days.
Late in the day yesterday Beckett received the most wonderful birthday gift.... the results of the ASCA a.m. arena trial (5/27).. He placed first in Advanced Sheep, 2nd in Advanced Geese and was awarded HIGH IN TRIAL OB and High Scoring in Sheep OB and High Scoring in Geese OB. HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY special Beckett... So proud of you and how far Dawna has brought you. Love to see your joy herding.
Judges: Cheryl Padgett, David Clayton, Kathy Males
We had a wonderful 3 days at the ASCA herding trial in Duey,AZ. Tuesday was the very fun Post Advanced course which is for dogs that have been certified or have qualified for the Advanced Trial Dog title. In this trial the dogs are asked to work efficiently at any distance from the handler in an area up to 6 acres. Beckett has just started working in the big field and learning how to drive the sheep through distant panels after a long outrun. He had so much fun and ended up with a score of 120 out of possible 125 under judge David Clayton. This gave him HIT for OB and first place. His second run was also quite nice again getting a lovely score of 114 under Cheryl Padgett for another HIT OB.
Wednesday and Thursday were the farm dog trials with both sheep and geese which provides a venue for the dog to display skills as an all around stock dog. Again, the dogs love these fun “real work” trials and all do extremely well. Beckett won his Advanced Geese both days giving him HIT OB both days. On Thursday he got 2nd place in farm dog sheep.
Thank you to his handler and trainer Dawna Sims who helped him especially learn the skills for the advanced course and the opportunity to fun big in the field. Beckett loved all 3 days.
Late in the day yesterday Beckett received the most wonderful birthday gift.... the results of the ASCA a.m. arena trial (5/27).. He placed first in Advanced Sheep, 2nd in Advanced Geese and was awarded HIGH IN TRIAL OB and High Scoring in Sheep OB and High Scoring in Geese OB. HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY special Beckett... So proud of you and how far Dawna has brought you. Love to see your joy herding.
Herding Update for Beckett and Myst - May 2021

Myst and Beckett returned to a herding trial this week (May 27-29) after 14+ months away entering the ASCA of AZ Push for Points. After having no expectation they showed that they did not forget our trainer, DAWNA SIMS, awesome training.
Both dogs earned their Open Farm Dog titles: Beckett was 1 point from a perfect score of 130 and got Highest Scoring Open On Sheep. Myst was right behind him and got Highest Scoring on Geese.
On Friday Beckett moved up to Advanced Arena and won his goose class ending with highest scoring dog on geese. Myst did really well and placed in most of her classes. Beckett earned his Advanced Arena sheep and geese titles
Both dogs earned their Open Farm Dog titles: Beckett was 1 point from a perfect score of 130 and got Highest Scoring Open On Sheep. Myst was right behind him and got Highest Scoring on Geese.
On Friday Beckett moved up to Advanced Arena and won his goose class ending with highest scoring dog on geese. Myst did really well and placed in most of her classes. Beckett earned his Advanced Arena sheep and geese titles

BECKETT EARNS HIS CDX AND GRAD OPEN TITLES APRIL 4, 2021 in Henderson, NV at the 3-day Vegas Valley and Silver State Kennel Club shows. Beckett earned his CDX from his entries over 4 shows in the past 2 weeks in Open B today under judge Dorian Jay Ladd (scores 193, 195, 198). He also earned his Graduate Open title with scores of 192 and 197 both days under Mr. Dorian Jay Ladd.
Myst had lovely Preferred Open runs with scores of 198 and 197.
We stayed at a wonderful AirBnB and had a great weekend. It was very challenging at first adjusting to the very strict COVID guidelines for the show which included conformation, but by yesterday we had adjusted and ended up feeling like it was just great to be back to showing and having a weekend seeing old friends.
Myst had lovely Preferred Open runs with scores of 198 and 197.
We stayed at a wonderful AirBnB and had a great weekend. It was very challenging at first adjusting to the very strict COVID guidelines for the show which included conformation, but by yesterday we had adjusted and ended up feeling like it was just great to be back to showing and having a weekend seeing old friends.

OTCH HTCh Contact Point Kaffee UDX4 OM7 RE HSAds HSBs HIAds HXAdMsM OA NAJ OF
Sadly I lost Kaffee in March 2020 - he was 15 1/2. We had an amazing journey together for many years. We were so blessed that he remained healthy, happy and active right up until the last few months of his life.
We started early on with agility and herding and then moved to obedience. A highlight of my life has been our journey to the highest obedience title -- the OTCH (OBEDIENCE TRIAL CHAMPION). He earned this very special title that few dogs achieve in December 2014.
I asked Kaffee one day after his OTCH what he wanted to do and he said he would love to go back to HERDING. Kaffee and I trialed together when he was much younger earning his started titles in AKC and AHBA.
So we started working with Dawna Sims in Duey, AZ. Dawna finished his herding titles in AKC (except for the Herding Championship). and AHBA. Kaffee earned his Advanced Masters title in AKC herding at the Border Collie Club of AZ herding trail in Dewey, AZ. and officially retired. He had a wonderful last run with his good friend Dawna Sims and placed 3rd with a lovely score of 94. He also earned his AHBA Herding Championship.
Kaffee received his AKC Achiever Dog tile from AKC in December 2017.
We also enjoyed so many days of hiking together in Arizona, California and everywhere we traveled. Visit Kaffee's web page to see some of these travels.
Visit Kaffee's web page to see photos and video and more about this special Border Collie:
OTCH HTCh Contact Point Kaffee UDX4 OM7 RE HSAds HSBs HIAds HXAdMsM OA NAJ OF
Sadly I lost Kaffee in March 2020 - he was 15 1/2. We had an amazing journey together for many years. We were so blessed that he remained healthy, happy and active right up until the last few months of his life.
We started early on with agility and herding and then moved to obedience. A highlight of my life has been our journey to the highest obedience title -- the OTCH (OBEDIENCE TRIAL CHAMPION). He earned this very special title that few dogs achieve in December 2014.
I asked Kaffee one day after his OTCH what he wanted to do and he said he would love to go back to HERDING. Kaffee and I trialed together when he was much younger earning his started titles in AKC and AHBA.
So we started working with Dawna Sims in Duey, AZ. Dawna finished his herding titles in AKC (except for the Herding Championship). and AHBA. Kaffee earned his Advanced Masters title in AKC herding at the Border Collie Club of AZ herding trail in Dewey, AZ. and officially retired. He had a wonderful last run with his good friend Dawna Sims and placed 3rd with a lovely score of 94. He also earned his AHBA Herding Championship.
Kaffee received his AKC Achiever Dog tile from AKC in December 2017.
We also enjoyed so many days of hiking together in Arizona, California and everywhere we traveled. Visit Kaffee's web page to see some of these travels.
Visit Kaffee's web page to see photos and video and more about this special Border Collie:

Myst had always been my wild and crazy red girl. She LOVES to run; when I took her hiking when she was a few years younger, she would never stop running. Myst is my best hiking partner with amazing recalls from where ever and always checking on me and never out of sight.
From the time she was a puppy she has loved balanced discs and doing tricks. She is amazing on the balance discs and now the slack line. See her web page and video below.
I trained and ran her in agility for a few years until my knees let me know that I should no longer do agility. I then started working her in obedience and she finished her UD and UDX. Unfortunately an OTCH is definitely not in her future. Now that she is older she will continue to show in the Prefered Utility and Open classes. She still LOVES obedience and is quite fun to watch with her fast and happy work.
When I started Kaffee herding, I asked Dawna Sims to work Myst. Myst has been quite a challenge since she is quite impatient and often does not respond to directionals, stops and down commands. She is so beautiful and flashy to watch when she herds that when she does get it right she is spectacular. She finished all of her AKC herding titles and is one win away from her AKC HERDING CHAMPIONSHIP. Sadly COVID stopped our herding for over a year. We hope to resume in the spring of 2021. In AHBA she earned all of her titles plus the Herding Trial Champion (HTCh) and all her ASCA titles.
Myst also received her Achiever Dog certificate from AKC.
Visit Myst's web page to see more of her photos and videos at
UPDATE ON MYST 2022..... MYST is still competing in herding.
Myst has all of her herding titles in AKC and needs one more first place minor for her HERDING CHAMPIONSHIP She has all of her AHBA (American Herding Breed) titles including the Herding Championship.
Myst surprised everyone recently at getting HIGH IN TRIAL On Geese at an AHBA show in Litchfield Park, AZ.
February 11 and 12th 2022. It was Myst's weekend to shine --- the oldish in number only girlie, won her Advanced Geese class on Friday (score of 98 out of 100 in a very competitive class of 23 dogs_ also getting highest score in Geese and HIGH IN TRIAL.... under judge Larry Faveau. She also had a lovely run in the Advanced Sheep class and under judge Marie Paul Gherardi got a 2nd place... SO PROUD OF THIS GIRLIE AT HER AGE of 11 1/2
Myst has all of her herding titles in AKC and needs one more first place minor for her HERDING CHAMPIONSHIP She has all of her AHBA (American Herding Breed) titles including the Herding Championship.
Myst surprised everyone recently at getting HIGH IN TRIAL On Geese at an AHBA show in Litchfield Park, AZ.
February 11 and 12th 2022. It was Myst's weekend to shine --- the oldish in number only girlie, won her Advanced Geese class on Friday (score of 98 out of 100 in a very competitive class of 23 dogs_ also getting highest score in Geese and HIGH IN TRIAL.... under judge Larry Faveau. She also had a lovely run in the Advanced Sheep class and under judge Marie Paul Gherardi got a 2nd place... SO PROUD OF THIS GIRLIE AT HER AGE of 11 1/2

Myst earns her UDX and was High in Trial at the Chino Valley Obedience/Rally show August 18/19 2018

Cedar Quantum Leap Beckett UD CDX BN GN GO RA HSDs HSAdMsM HIAdMsM CGC TKA
Beckett is now 5 years old and enjoys hiking off leash, chasing Myst on the trails, herding, obedience, and scent work. He actively competes in AKC, AHDA and ASCA herding events. He recently was awarded a perfect score of 100 at an AKC herding trial on September 15th in Duey AZ. He was in a very competitive class of 22 dogs and won the class and HIGH IN TRIAL. Perfect scores are like the elusive 200 in obedience - seldom awarded and highly priced. The judge, Kathryn Howse wrote on his score sheet, "Prettiest run I have ever seen."
Beckett is the opposite of Myst and is not only quieter but also very thoughtful in his approach to learning. Due to this lovely characteristic Beckett started showing in herding trials when he was only 18 months old. He had only had a few months of training starting after he was 1 year old but just understood his job. At his first AKC herding trial he won all his classes with almost perfect scores earning him Highest Scoring Dog on Sheep and Geese and a HIGH COMBINED. Since this time he has gone on to get all his started titles in herding in AKC, AHBA and ASCA. He is working on his AKC Masters Started titles in sheep in geese.
I am training him in obedience and scent work.When we can start trialing in 2021 he will begin showing in Open B. He is trained all the way through Utility. We play agility for fun. Below is a video of our work with training stations and his first AKC herding trial in the fall of 2017 where we won HIGH IN TRIAL SHEEP.
Visit Beckett's web page to see his work starting at 8 weeks.
See Beckett's HAPPY OBEDIENCE WORK at our page on FANTASTIC OBEDIENCE. You will also find links to his continued work and training for perfection under the pull down menu on distractions and pressure from our work with Petra Ford.
Cedar Quantum Leap Beckett UD CDX BN GN GO RA HSDs HSAdMsM HIAdMsM CGC TKA
Beckett is now 5 years old and enjoys hiking off leash, chasing Myst on the trails, herding, obedience, and scent work. He actively competes in AKC, AHDA and ASCA herding events. He recently was awarded a perfect score of 100 at an AKC herding trial on September 15th in Duey AZ. He was in a very competitive class of 22 dogs and won the class and HIGH IN TRIAL. Perfect scores are like the elusive 200 in obedience - seldom awarded and highly priced. The judge, Kathryn Howse wrote on his score sheet, "Prettiest run I have ever seen."
Beckett is the opposite of Myst and is not only quieter but also very thoughtful in his approach to learning. Due to this lovely characteristic Beckett started showing in herding trials when he was only 18 months old. He had only had a few months of training starting after he was 1 year old but just understood his job. At his first AKC herding trial he won all his classes with almost perfect scores earning him Highest Scoring Dog on Sheep and Geese and a HIGH COMBINED. Since this time he has gone on to get all his started titles in herding in AKC, AHBA and ASCA. He is working on his AKC Masters Started titles in sheep in geese.
I am training him in obedience and scent work.When we can start trialing in 2021 he will begin showing in Open B. He is trained all the way through Utility. We play agility for fun. Below is a video of our work with training stations and his first AKC herding trial in the fall of 2017 where we won HIGH IN TRIAL SHEEP.
Visit Beckett's web page to see his work starting at 8 weeks.
See Beckett's HAPPY OBEDIENCE WORK at our page on FANTASTIC OBEDIENCE. You will also find links to his continued work and training for perfection under the pull down menu on distractions and pressure from our work with Petra Ford.
We have worked distance with Laura Romanik in Wisconsin and use only positive training -
no prong collar ever and NO shock collars :-(
Read about Laura's training journey from traditional methods to positive:
We have worked distance with Laura Romanik in Wisconsin and use only positive training -
no prong collar ever and NO shock collars :-(
Read about Laura's training journey from traditional methods to positive:
Pivoting to Lovely Heelwork
To learn more visit our web page:
Happy Engaged Heel Work
Nosework Fun - Beckett & Myst
Cynde can be reached by email at: [email protected]